
Monday, March 11, 2013

Seattle Washington Sears 60 years later

Seattle Washington Sears 60 years later

Summary: in this story a man 60 years ago stole 20-30 dollars from a sears store. He had lived with that guilt for the past 60  years and now he has returned this money with much more in it he returned it with 100 dollars and a note that said “ during the late forty’s I stole some money from the cash register in the amount of 20-30 dollars. I want to pay you back. Here’s 100 dollars to put in your theft account.”

Reflection: What this man did, 60 years ago, was a bad idea and very idiotic. Instead of stealing the money the least he could have done was work for the money himself. He should of Known that it was a bad idea if he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to keep the money and not feel guilty afterwards. The fact that he paid Sears back, even more than he should have, is smart though. It was idiotic of him to steal it in first place but the fact that he paid back shows how whenever you make a bad decision, it will become a burden to you forever. But if you can do something to change what you did, just like him, you can release that burden off your back.

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